Location: Morristown, NJ
What kind of websites were you planning to build?
This is a website that is used to drive my IT consulting business
How did you hear about Sandvox?
This was done using a Google search for "web publishing for Mac"
What made you decide to get Sandvox?
This seemed to be the software that best suited my needs. iWeb could not be used to build a custom site, and Dreamweaver IMO was too price prohibitive.
Now that you have Sandvox, what do you like about it?
It took roughly two hours to build my basic site, using not only the offered templates but also copy / paste features from the previous website. Editing was relatively simple.
What would be a good way to search for a program like Sandvox?
MBD Consulting, LLC
“This website outlines the mission and values of MBD Consulting, as well as our contact information. Future updates will include our different service offerings and programs.”