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Sandvox User Profile: Martin Williams

Location: North Wales

What kind of websites were you planning to build?

I wanted to create a site that would inform about and promote Mindfulness. I wanted this to be separate from my Clinical Hypnotherapy site with its own identity. The site design needs to reflect the image I have of Mindfulness.

How did you hear about Sandvox?

I found it by chance I think, probably as a result of a search. It must have looked appealing and matched what I wanted to do at the time

What made you decide to get Sandvox?

I can't remember why I chose Sandvox. Maybe the site design templates appealed; maybe it was the way Sandvox presented itself; maybe it was because I didn't want to use the sites that others use because I wanted to create a site that stood out from the other mass produced sites.

Now that you have Sandvox, what do you like about it?

I like the flexibility of it. I am not a geek, so do not understand technical stuff but, with effort I have built a site the looks the way I want it to and delivers the image I want to project. I'm sure others, more technically-minded could produce far more dynamic and imaginative results.

What would be a good way to search for a program like Sandvox?

self build web site design programmes



“The design of the site reflects my interest in Art Deco design, the clean functional lines and soft colours put the emphasis on the content rather than the design, but at the same time create a pleasant atmosphere in which to examine the contents.”

professional therapy safe consultation relief effective



“My main site uses placeholders for videos , smart text, and graphics and is quite different from this site. That was the intention from the start-- easy, quick access to relevant, understandable material on a pleasant background.”

teaching informative understanding empowering calmness focused