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Sandvox User Profile: Per Helge Berrefjord

Per Helge Berrefjord, Norway

Location: Norway

What kind of websites were you planning to build?

I have been using Sandvox from the early beginning, and built several sites - mainly with the Black and White design. Before then - and still - I use Dreamweaver. And before then… remember Hot Metal? Among other sites, more recently, with Sandvox I did a book (in print) and same content as a site in 2011, and after that I haven't really done much webwork. Now I have a couple of sites I am putting a new "face" on with the blogging features in Sandvox 2.8.8 which I recently purchased.

How did you hear about Sandvox?

Long time ago, and I guess I have told you before. I have been a journalist and publisher of computer (mainly Apple) magazines from 1980 until some years ago. Probably read about Karelia and Sandvox when you first started.

What made you decide to get Sandvox?

Ease of use.

Now that you have Sandvox, what do you like about it?

Again: Ease of use. And a steady growth of better features incorporating different media on the page. Among your designs there are just a few I see as "Scandinavian". Black and White was the only one from the begining. This new Hydrogene however is spot on.



“As I said, Hydrogen is both clean - almost as clean sheets, which is also nice - and has a good banner design.”